Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Everything you need to know about

Vata, Pitta, Kapha


Vata is a combination of air and ether. It is dry, light, cold, rough, moving and always changing. People with a predominantly vata dosha are mostly energetic, creative and lively.
Factors Responsible for Vata Vitiation

  1. Primary disfunction and
  2. Excessive Libido
  3. Cool. Dry, Spicy, bitters diet in excess
  4. Cold water bath
  5. Over exertion, anxiety, and loss of body fluid due to any reason.


Pitta’s elemental makeup consists of fire and water. The common translation of pitta is “that which digests things.” According to ayurveda, this is the dosha responsible for our ability to mentally digest our life experiences and biologically digest our food. Pitta is responsible for all of our chemical and metabolic transformations.
Factors Responsible for Pitta Vitiation

  1. Acidic, Spicy, Salty diet in excess, irregular meal
  2. Anger, fear, phobia, sun exposure in excess
  3. Hot climate, synthetic diet, preservatives, chemicals
  4. Alcohol, tea, coffee in excess.


Kapha governs the structure of the body. It is the principle that holds the cells together and forms the muscle, fat, bone, and sinew. The primary function of Kapha is protection.
Factors Responsible for Pitta Vitiation

  1. Sleeping in day time. sedentary and luxurious lie
  2. Fatty, oily sweet, creamy diet, heavy die
  3. Milk curd, over-weight

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